

Les GT se tiennent chaque vendredi de 14h à 15h (d'ordinaire en salle 178, ils se sont dématérialisés jusqu'à nouvel ordre). Vous êtes invités à venir 10 minutes avant pour partager thé, café et gâteaux.

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Vendredi 19 avril à 14h - Igor Grzelec
On a new problem about the local irregularity of graphs
We say that a graph is locally irregular if adjacent vertices have different degrees. After a short introduction about the well known (2,2) Conjecture we discuss some results concerning the Local Irregularity Conjecture, updated version of this conjecture proposed by Sedlar and Škrekovski, and the Local Irregularity Conjecture for 2-multigraphs. Then we introduce the following new a connected graph which is not isomorphic to K_2 or K_3. What is the minimum number of doubled edges required in the multigraph Ĝ obtained from G so that this multigraph can be decomposed into two locally irregular graphs? We also provide a partial solution of this problem.

Emplois - Stages


GT Graphes et Optimisation


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